Sunday, February 6, 2011

What are Binaural Beats?


Binaural beats were first discovered by the physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839. Heinrich discovered that when two tones with a slight variation in frequencies are played simultaneously in both ears, the human brain generates a "beat". When the tones are listened to individually, it will sound like one tone. Combining the two tones in both ears produces the typical "binaural beat" that we have become familiar with.

Dove's discovery did not spark much interest in the scientific community up until 1973 when Gerald Oster published "Auditory Beats in the Brain" in the Scientific American. Oster used binaural beats to further his research in neurological studies. Some of Oster's notable discoveries included the use of binaural beats to aid in medical research, and diagnosing medical issues in patients.


The benefits of binaural beats is a controversial subject. Many people claim to have experienced significant changes through the use of binaural beats, and others have had little to no changes. There have been studies that have both supported, and debunked these claims. Many have also suggested that the placebo effect can explain many of these experiences. However, here is a brief list of the many benefits that have been claimed possible through binaural beats.

  • enhances or alters mood
  • aids in meditation
  • aids in sleeping
  • aids in dreaming/lucid dreaming
  • aids in OBE/astral projection/remote viewing
  • relieves stress
  • many more...

The only real way to find out if binaural beats works for you is to try it for yourself. There is no need to go out and spend money on an expensive mp3, or website. There are many free resources avaialable. In my next posting, I will list sources for free binaural beats, and generators, as well as many other helpful links. Thanks for reading, and stop by for more.


Spiderflaw said...

Pretty interesting stuff, first time I learn of this.. I'll be followin' ya :3

murz90 said...

I've heard about this, but it was used to have results comparable to drugs. It was idoser or something like that.

AuditorAwakening said...

@ Murz90 -

You are correct. It is called i-doser. I have the link to their website on my post above this one.

Leviuqse said...

I i-doser once..felt "something" but I think it was more like a placebo thing!

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